Mobile Vision

Play the Vision mobile

Vignette La vision mobile

Mobile Vision, is my first piece.
It has already been played by several amateur groups

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un extrait de l'acte2 de la Vision mobile

Decor and character

VISION MOBILE comedy in 3 acts by Daniel BOUCHERY 4 f. - 3 h.-
Decor: the lounge of an apartment - duration: 1 h 50

Summary of the piece

Bastien Festart must sign a contract with a client, Johanna Marvic.
The latter is also his mistress. Retained at the last moment by his wife, Bastien entrusts this task to his partner, Pierre Descolines.
Peter goes to the client. But Wilson Marvic, disappointed not to see her lover, retains stone in order to make her lover jealous.
Not daring to admit the reason for delay, Pierre Descolines uses a direct line with the future as mobile. He explained while a vision showed him a store on fire.
This lie will disrupt his life. His entourage, hardly acknowledging this gift, yet asks information about the future.
In order to justify his visions, Pierre engages a private detective. Can this help dispel the doubts of his wife? Only the future will tell us.